Spring Beauty Bouquet
Telefloras Spring Beauty Bouquet - Crème roses orange spray roses peach asiatic lilies light blue iris and blue sinuata statice are accented with seeded eucalyptus spiral eucalyptus and myrtle.
Spring beauty bouquet. It was my birthday on Monday I took some photos to document the day. Spring Bouquet viburnum is a dwarf evergreen species that typically grows 4-6 in a dense but upright vase shape. Its placed in deep shadow box frame with organic sheet of glass ready to place and enjoy.
The Spring Bouquet Viburnums beautiful blooms are pink and white and require minimal maintenance. Delivered in Telefloras Pour on the Beauty pitcher. Beauty and colorful spring flowers are perfect for making centerpieces.
It bears shiny green oblong leaves 2-3 long set in an opposite manner. Product Description The name says it all for this spring beauty. 2 each roses 40cm crème 1 stem roses spray orange 1 stem lilies asiatic peach 2 each iris light blue 12 stem statice sinuata blue 14 stem seeded eucalyptus 14 stem spiral 14.
Spring Beauty quantity Add to cart SKU. Spring Beauty quantity Add to cart SKU. This Quilled bouquet named Spring Beauty is handmade from colorful 10mm strips of paper all cut manually.
Serve up spring cheer with this fresh nature-inspired bouquet presented in a pretty-meets-practical ceramic vase with iridescent glaze thats food safe for years of entertaining. Bedazzling beauty cylinder Product Name. We hope youll come across some that you are going to want to try.
Artistically designed in a clear glass Monet vase. The Flower Factory Stunning Beauty Bouquet is an absolutely lovely way to send your love and affection across the miles. To ensure lasting beauty lilies arrive in bud form ready to bloom in a few days.